5 Tools Everyone In The Real Estate Industry Should Be Using

Professional Website Whether a real estate agent, broker or investor, the importance of having a professional real estate website is unsurpassed. This all-important asset, which is essentially the virtual face of your business, will not only help to establish credibility as an investor online, but enhance the overall presence of your business — whether online or off. Along with helping to strengthen...

Understand The Real Estate Market

Understanding the real estate market makes you a more empowered buyer or seller. This primer explains five fundamental factors that affect the market and how they impact your buying and selling power. They include: Supply and demand Median home prices New construction Mortgage rates Economy If you’re a buyer, understanding these factors can help you determine your negotiating and purchasing...

Identify and Track Your Real Estate Competitors

We all face competition in life. As a real estate agent, you’re no stranger to the tough process of the competition. Regardless of the difficulties that competition might bring us, it’s important to realize that competition is a healthy way to drive the progress of the real estate industry in general and your real estate brand specifically. But what makes you stand out and succeed in regards to your...

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